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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Toronto Tuesday: Stories of storeys, shady signage and substitutive Squares

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Each Tuesday, Spacing Montreal will share some posts from our sister blog, Spacing Toronto. We hope it will fuel constructive dialogue on the urban issues faced by both cities.

Building Storeys: Long Live the Guild

Gary Miedema details the history of The Guild Inn, a landmark in the suburban Scarborough landscape. From its origins as an artisinal skillshare and local farm, to a training centre for women in the navy, to a playground for paranormal enthusiasts, fascinating uses have come out of this space — including current debates over the fate of the estate.

Illegal billboards and the Ontario Superior Court

A win for honest people at read about how the fight against illegal advertising (and its encroachment of public space) now has the support of the Ontario higher court.

Yonge-Bloor Square?

Matthew Blackett looks at one of Toronto’s busiest intersections (which currently hosts an empty construction site) and talks about his vision of a public square. Should there be a clearly delineated “public space” at one of Toronto’s most prominent crossroads?



  1. does that sign say 32$ (to park all day)?

  2. I think it does but keep in mind: you’re not just paying for parking, you’re also paying for the beautiful urban streetscape!

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