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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Toronto Tuesday: Waterfront boulevards, walking maps and Toronto transit updates

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Each Tuesday, Spacing Montreal will share some posts from our sister blog, Spacing Toronto. We hope it will fuel constructive dialogue on the urban issues faced by both cities.

Waterfront Toronto announces Queens Quay plan

Finally: a fully functional waterfront? Sean Marshall details the highlights from Waterfront Toronto’s recommendations for waterfront development. The plans for revitalization include a grand lakefront boulevard with streetcar lanes in the centre, traffic only on the north side and a pedestrian focused space on the south side.

Walking maps for Toronto

Dylan Reid covers a whole range of pedestrian-centred maps (just in time for spring!) Take a look at the new Toronto Parks and Trails map (with an increased attention to accessibility), a walking-route map from the Ontario Health Promotion ministry, and even a map exploring “various points of watery interest” in the city.

Merger is a GO, support the DRL, bikes on more buses

This week features some interesting transit news in and around Toronto: read about the Metrolinx take-over of the city’s regional transit system; the increasing momentum behind the proposed Downtown Relief Line; and the adoption of bike rack programs by both GO Transit and Brampton Transit.


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