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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Photo du jour : Some things change, some don’t

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Banque Laurentienne / Banque d'Épargne

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

I was walking along Sherbrooke Street on this Sunday afternoon, in the Westmount section and saw these signs at the corner with Victoria.

A quick search indicates that the Banque Laurentienne was formerly known as La Banque d’Épargne de la Cité et du District de Montréal. In fact, the change only came about in 1987, which is somewhat beyond my personal range of childhood memories.

The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce became simply known as the CIBC as years went by, following this worldwide trend at simplifying corporation names, including that of banks.

Photos taken on June 28th, 2009.



  1. More like evidence of the growing size and geographical reach of banks. Removing references to cities and countries lets the companies grow outside the bounds of that geographic location.

  2. La Banque d’Épargne de la Cité et du District de Montréal’s logo used to be a bee hive.

    They also distributed small banks that could only be opened in a bank branch.

    My parents had 1, frustrating when you can’t get your money.

  3. look around and you’ll see some CIBC used to be Eastern Townships bank. OK, you might have to look far, like in Coaticook, although if you go to Ormstown you will have to remove the metal siding shamefully covering up its Eastern Townships Bank heritage.

  4. CIBC was the Imperial Bank of Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce

  5. A “rue” in the english language is a street. Don’t be so sensitive.

  6. I used to call it the “Bee Bank” or “La banque des abeilles”. There was a bas-relief of a hive with bees on my branch at Monkland and Girouard.

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