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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

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  1. Its outrageous that the cops won’t charge the guy who doored the cyclist. What the heck do we have the police for? I was taught in basic driver ed that if you open your door on someone you are liable.

  2. On Wed., a cabbie at Bloor/Spadina getting coffee missed me by a fraction of a second and a little bit, and he seemed so uncaring I called the cops. Well, no one hurt, no blood, “we can’t file a report on that” click. Sure the cops are busy, sometimes, but they also are “carist” and their motto could well be “to swerve and project” as Lind/Weltschmerz put it.

  3. “Its outrageous that the cops won’t charge the guy who doored the cyclist. What the heck do we have the police for? I was taught in basic driver ed that if you open your door on someone you are liable.”

    Certainly, if a motorist sideswipes another car by making a lane change without checking for oncoming traffic, they would be charged.

    I don’t see the fundamental difference; this motorist didn’t check for oncoming traffic and threw their door into it.

    The difference is that they killed someone.