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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Bike Safety, circa 1958

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Nothing like some good ol’ fashioned bike fear mongering, 1950-styles. I’m surprised the narrators didn’t equate risky bike riding with the Soviets.



  1. There are some good tips for fun riding in that video. I’ll have to practice a bit more to learn some of those tricks.

  2. Although it’s dated 1948, it’s awfully preachy to the viewers. That’s probably why it’s released by Cathedral Films. (preachy, get it?)

    As a schoolboy in the 1950s, we never had to endure seeing such a film. The Toronto Board of Education wouldn’t brook such drivel!

    My school always, for the eight years I was there, proud of the Elmer safety flag that flew smartly on the mast under the Red Ensign.

    Eight years of accident-free school attendance and most of us came to school on our own or in groups.

    Has the Elmer campaign ended or is it still going?

  3. Daivd: you’re right that its 1948, but I took the info from the YouTube account holder at face value. MCMXLVIII is indeed 1948.

  4. My favourite vintage bike safety film is “ONE GOT FAT.” It has everything: grotesque ape masks! 60’s era slapstick! narration by the storyteller from Rocky & Bullwinkle! It may be dated but it’s never boring. You should be able to find it at the Internet Archive or YouTube.