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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • The future of Tower Renewal

    The Tower Neighbourhood Renewal plan (aka Mayor’s Tower Renewal) is an ambitious initiative with great potential to increase the quality of life of...

  • IDEAS FOR TORONTO: Mandatory hybrid taxis

    My first, and only, experience in one of Toronto’s hybrid taxis was a couple of months ago. I have since been bewildered by the lack of hybrid taxis on...

  • IDEAS FOR TORONTO: Clear subway signage

    Any visitor to Toronto, or first time subway user will know just how difficult it is to navigate the city’s underground. Although there may only be four...

  • IDEAS FOR TORONTO: Infrastructure referendums

    The Toronto City Summit Alliance held a roundtable event last Wednesday to discuss revenue tools that could reliably fund Metrolinx’s The Big Move...

  • IDEAS FOR TORONTO: Personal Rapid Transit

    Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) is one of those futuristic modes of transit that has never left the public’s imagination. At its core, PRT  has always been...

  • IDEAS FOR TORONTO: Blue bike lanes

    This new, regular feature will offer up an idea for how to improve Toronto’s public spaces. Some of the concepts discussed will have implementation...