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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Moody Port


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Image courtesy of Sean Orr.


Moody Port
Sean Orr

Glory and splendour, they have left unto me a window in the frozen east. I look upon it as if it were an ocean, turning Burke Mountain or Sumas into seaside bluffs.

Given depth by the glowing opalescent grey ceiling that hangs over my city 6 months of the year; demarcated by the icy plateau of a temperature inversion, the illusion is maintained.

As if the gaffer used the Port’s massive red limbs as scaffolding, maintaining that movie-like light. That light where everything looks canned. I can imagine container ships from Alberta landing at Port Moody, impossible!

Gentleman of the mighty CPR what is this mirage? Get me Selkirk, get me Van Horne. Tell them I see the sea to the east, and no, it’s not of wheat. Golden though, as it is.


Sean Orr is the writer of Tea and Two Slices on Scout Magazine (formerly Morning Brew on Beyond Robson), musician under the name Tassels, and self-taught street-photographer with nearly 10, 000 works on Flickr. I also have a ridiculous tumblr called Don’t Dad that the kids all seem to enjoy. My Twitter account is just sort of okay. I ran in the 2006 Provincial Election as a Green Party candidate. I’m not exactly sure why. I’ve been published in a bunch of publications and I’ve had art shows at all the really cool underground galleries. I have a mental illness. I also have a cat named Gustav and a tattoo that says “tattoo”. Ok bye.

