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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Video Vancouver: To Build a Better City (1964)

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Video Vancouver

A 1964 City of Vancouver/CMHC film

There was a time when old poor neighbourhoods were considered an urban blight and needed to be razed to make way for modern concrete towers. This is from 50 years ago, but the very ideology of the thinking involved is like from another planet.

Cinematography Bill Roozeboom
Script Roy Minter
Narration George McLean
Sound recording
Animation Marguerite Roozeboom
Produced by Bill Lindsay and Bill Roozeboom

Produced by Pageant Productions

Another copy of this can be found online at this link



  1. These were the very arguments put forth in the mid to late 1990s on why the “Mole Hill Problem” had to be dealt with.
    Funny, those low-income families in the “blighted” areas sure looked happy…