Spacing Fall 2006 call for submissions

The next issue of Spacing will hit newsstands in mid-September just in time for the city election, which coincidentally is the cover story theme for our next issue. Most of the articles for this section have already been assigned, but we are not adverse to hearing pitches on small or informative pieces.

What we are looking for mostly are stories and tidbits for our front and back of the magazine that have nothing to do with the theme of the issue.

Usually, we receive more pitches than we can accomodate in the magazine, so we sometimes post article on our website. Let us know if you have a preference of media.

For our Writer's Guidelines click here.

Email your ideas to:

DEADLINE: We'd like to have pitches to us by Monday June 12ish. We'll accept pitches after the deadline, but the chance of the article being included in the issue lessens with each passing day.

The following is a list and description of our sections and specific features.

Inner Space
We have space for four one-page articles that can be about anything public space/realm in Toronto. (800 words max).

Hidden Gems
We have space for two articles (range from 250-400 words in length) that highlight a park, parkette, monuent, underpass, stairs, or place in Toronto that is somewhat hidden or underused by the public.
Some previous examples: Fort York Cemetary, Crawford St Bridge burried in Trinity-Bellwoods Park...)

Escape Routes
We are moving this feature from the back of the mag to the front to sit beside its cousin Hidden Gems. Escape Routes is a long winding route that takes you off the road or sidewalk. We've had articles on laneways, hyrdo lines, pedestrian bridges....

Public Enemy
A one-page feature that highlights something that is working against the greater good of the public (800 words). Some previous examples: Parking Pads, Segways, Kyle Rae, Ad trucks...

This section has five spaces (250 words max) that highlight something good or bad that entered/exited the public realm. These small bits are a little more opinionated (but do not necessarily have to be). Some exaples: BMX park at CNE, Farewell to Roy Square, the new street signs, info pillars....

Infrastructure Fetish
This is a new feature. We want a piece of our infrastructure profiled and explained to the readers. For instance, in last issue we did something on the brick gutters on streets -- this which would have fallen under the Infrastructure Fetish category. (300 words max)

Green Space
This article should be about a environmental topic or feature an organization doing interesting/inspiring greenspace work. (800 words max)

Outer Space
We have space for two articles in our expanded Outer Space feature. This article highlights a public space/realm issue in another city, with a little bit of compare/contrast with Toronto. (800 words max)

We are also expanding our review section to four pages (up from two). We are open to suggested books or films, plus we receive magazines and books in the mail.

Space Invaders
This is the last two pages of the magazine -- the article usually focuses on public art-ish initiatives or topics. We like to look at the off-beat. || contact || subscribe || in this issue || stores

(c) 2006 Spacing Publications