photo by Matt O'Sullivan

Chances are, whatever you’re doing right now, it’s either work or play. Imagine the city without either one. Nothing would happen.
The city offers itself to us, full of possibilities. But it’s up to us to bring it to life, and we do so by working and playing. There are those who use and exploit the space, those who embellish and improve it, those who enjoy and appreciate it, and those who, literally, create it.
The value of the public spaces devoted to work and play is so obvious it’s almost invisible to us. But next time you’re outside — whether you’re there to pitch a softball or a proposal — you won’t be able to miss it.

Spacing's third issue: Work & Play in Toronto's public spaces. From buskers to street preachers to early morning bird rescuers to graffiti cops, Spacing examines the impact of work and play on our outdoor urban environment, and how people bring the city to life 24 hours a day.
Spacing continues to highlight some of the best and worst aspects of Toronto city life and history. Hidden Gems focuses on the Cedarvale Park pedestrian bridge, and the buried bridges of Crawford and Harbord Streets, along the old Garrison Creek. Public Enemy targets Toronto's light pollution and how other cities are trying to return the dark night sky to urban life. Green Space explores the reasons why our street-side trees are dying — and what the City can do to fix the situation. This issue also includes a new column on public space eitiquette called “Ask the Manners Duck.” Yes, we said duck.

Contributors for this issue include Ryan Bigge (CBC Radio), Ed Keenan (Eye weekly), Michelle Kasprzak (Montreal new media artist), Dave Meslin (Toronto Public Space Committee co-ordinator), Misha Glouberman (Trampoline Hall), Shawn Micallef (murmur), and Graeme Parry (Toronto laneway expert and tour guide). A variety of Toronto's top photobloggers are showcased: Sam Javanrouh (Daily Does of Imagery), Matt O'Sullivan (, Rannie Turingan (, Jonathan Day-Reiner (, and Davin Risk ( Spacing also used the illustrative skills of Julia Breckenreid (Globe and Mail, National Post), Marc Ngui (Zak Meadow, and CBC's Zed TV producer), Marlena Zuber (Boston Globe, Washington Post), Matt Daley (Exclaim!) and Jen Hsieh (recent Applied Arts illustration award winner). The issue was designed and art directed by Matthew Blackett (m@b comic, Eye weekly). || contact || subscribe || stores
(c) Spacing Publications