HALIFAX – This Wednesday, representatives from Halifax’s housing advocacy community and speakers from across the province will come together to discuss the struggle for affordable, supportive, and safe housing options in Nova Scotia. This public meeting will focus on how create solutions and demand more housing options for Nova Scotians.
The evening will include a musical performance by local busker Travesty Smith; video premiere of interviews with guests of the Out of the Cold emergency shelter, sharing their views on housing and homelessness; and projections of film animations created by street youth discussing homelessness and street culture.
WHAT: From the Front Lines: A Public Meeting on Actions Against Homelessness
WHERE: Bloomfield Centre, 2786 Agricola Street
WHEN: Wednesday, Mar 31, 7pm-9pm
CONTACT: Call Cole Webber or Fiona Traynor at 423-8105 or email Capp Larson at halifaxwintershelter@gmail.com
photo by Andrew Ferguson