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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Events Guide: Skating Carnival


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Caribana 2008, Toronto

HALIFAX –  Shake it up! Show your carnival flavour tonight at the Oval, while pumping your heart full of adrenaline and soul. Wear a mask, adorn yourself in body paint, wear bright colours, play your kazoo and show off your figure skating technique/dancing if you wish, all while getting some fresh air during the informal skating carnival event tonight at the Canada Games Oval – pre-celebration style for the 7th annual Brazilian Carnaval.

WHAT: Skating Carnival
WHEN: Tonight – Saturday, February 26th, 7pm-8:30pm
WHERE: Canada Games Oval

Traditionally, Carnival involves a public celebration or parade combining some elements of a circus, mask and public street party. It is not surprising to see people wearing masks or dressed up, during the celebration and its often encouraged. In general, Carnival traditionally marks an overturning of daily life.

Photo by Paul Sveda, member of Spacing Magazines flickr pool.
