ST. JOHN’S – How can we as a community of individuals, organizations, businesses and politicians shape the future of St. John’s together?
That’s the main question Happy City will be asking at their next meeting – “Your City, Your Future” – on Saturday, March 26th, 2011. With facilitator, Bui Petersen from the Centre for Negotiation and Dialogue, participants will also be broken into small groups to discuss three other questions:
How do citizens and decision-makers connect?
How can decisions best reflect the needs of the community?
How can we, as a community of individuals, organizations, businesses and politicians, shape the future of St. John’s together?
In addition, Happy City will take time to brainstorm a large list of local community groups that are already doing work in St. John’s. Collectively, all in attendance will work together to find common connections between these groups, and begin to see how some might work together to “pull in the same direction” on issues that are important to citizens and the city.
WHAT: Your City, Your Future – Happy City Public Engagement session
WHEN: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 10am – 2pm
WHERE: Masonic Temple, 6 Cathedral Street
“Happy City” is a loosely-knit group of citizens that has emerged as a response to the rapidly increasing rate of growth and development in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Its tagline, “Making the City Make Sense” reflects the organization’s mandate to “inform and encourage the discussion surrounding development and growth in St. John’s.”
The groups objective is not to change the City, but rather to help ensure that the city changes in a way that considers the informed views of all citizens.
Photo by Happy City.