Don’t Stop: Weekend Events Guide – Bus Rides, Shelter Walks and Street Parties
With lots of neat-o, community urban events taking place this weekend – from Metro transit bus rides discussing sprawl, Mobile Art project...
By Crystal Melville -
Walk This Way, Talk This Way
What is Swag? Walking. HALIFAX – Haligonians enjoyed a quick respite from the seemingly endless deluge this past weekend while participating in the...
By Katie McKay -
Events Guide: Jane’s Walk Halifax
HALIFAX – Today and tomorrow ( May 7 and 8), Haligonians will take to the streets for a series of free urban neighbourhood tours that inspire...
By Crystal Melville -
Taking a Business Approach to helping HRM’s Street-Involved Population
The other day, I had a discussion with a friend about the election. He asked about proof of residence and was kicking up a fuss about needing to find a...
By Jessica Walker -
Call for Support: Anchorless Archive Zinemobile
HALIFAX – Mobile txts are not an uncommon form of communication these days as people pull their smart phone devices out of their pockets to answer...
By Crystal Melville -
Halifax YMCA’s Plan for the Future: Private Capital for Public Infrastructure
HALIFAX – The CBC and YMCA buildings occupy a prominent corner in Halifax – a stone’s throw from the bustling Spring Garden Road, the...
By Matt Neville -
Events Guide: Official Unveiling of Public Art, Prospect Road Community Centre
HALIFAX REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY – Residents are invited to attend an official unveiling and artist talk for the Prospect Road Community Centre Public...
By Crystal Melville -
Events Guide: Sock-Hop Benefit Show for Out of the Cold Shelter
HALIFAX – As winter hits Nova Scotia each year, the Out of the Cold Shelter (OTCS) fills up quickly with people who have and had no other options of...
By Crystal Melville -
Events Guide: Putting PlanSJ on Paper
SAINT JOHN – In early 2010, the City launched PlanSJ to create a new Growth Strategy and to develop a new Municipal Plan to guide development over...
By Abad Khan -
The Outside In of 6080
HALIFAX – Nothing could be more delicious than a chance to enter the beautiful Halifax homes we pass, as citizens moving through the city streets...
By Lauren Phillips -
Events Guide: UnCork Spring with Imagine Bloomfield
HALIFAX – Launch Spring 2011 with Imagine Bloomfield and a general celebration of renewal at Obladee Wine bar in downtown Halifax on Monday, March...
By Crystal Melville -
Event Guide: Eastern Gateway Waterfront Presentation
CHARLOTTETOWN – The Charlottetown Area Development Corporation is ready to reveal the Eastern Gateway Master Plan that will (we hope) transform the...
By Joshua Biggley