- Mayor Mandel annouces retirement, kicks-off first open mayoral race in 45 years [Daveberta]
- Mayor Mandel was bold and courageous but Edmonton can go further [Metro Canada]
- Complete Streets and Designing New Neighbourhoods poicy documents were recently approved by City Council [City of Edmonton]
- A columnist’s lament for the doomed Walterdale Bridge (with video) [Edmonton Journal]
- Culture Minister Heather Klimchuk presented the Oliver Community League with a cheque for $125,000 towards the re-development of Kitchener Park (photo; layout) [Oliver Community League]
- Staples: Alberta is rich, but not its towns and cities [Edmonton Journal]
- A few spots are still open for the 12th Annual Street Furniture Competition organized by M.A.D.E in Edmonton
- Call for Volunteers for June 1st: The LIVINGbridge is an urban garden located atop an abandoned rail bridge in downtown Edmonton
- Call for Volunteers for June 13-14: Makescape aims to activate the Centennial Plaza behind the Stanley Milner Library