Excerpt from http://www.greenenergyfutures.ca/netzero. Check out the videos posted below!
Join the folks interviewed in the Green Energy Futures’ Chasing Net Zero series for a dynamic panel event, and hear the crew tell each of their stories in their own words.
Moderated by Green Energy Futures host David Dodge, the panel will feature:
- Mike Turner, Engineer, Manasc Isaac (Episode 1: Net Zero 101)
- Kim Gould, Junior Project Manager, Pivotal Projects (Episode 2: Net Zero Beautiful)
- Shafraaz Kaba, Architect, Manasc Isaac (Episode 3: Net Zero Evolution)
- Dave Turnbull, Landmark Homes (Episode 4: Net Zero: Go Big or Go Home)
Presented by Sustainable Communities Consortium, Green Energy Futures, and Manasc Isaac
WHEN: Thursday, October 9, 7:00pm, refreshments and networking from 6:00pm
WHERE: MacEwan University City Centre Campus, CN Conference Theatre (5-142, first floor of Building 5)
COST: Free! Please RSVP for this event.