- Condo developer Brad Lamb says Edmonton ‘rink’ brought his attention back to the city [Edmonton Sun]
- Developer plans pair of 51-storey towers on old Healy Ford site in Edmonton [Edmonton Journal]
- Telus World of Science seeks $10-$12 million from city for expansion [Edmonton Journal]
- Infill opinions vary on proposed new rules allowing skinny lots, garage suites in single-family areas [Edmonton Journal]
- What will happen to Rexall Place? [MasterMaq]
- City of Edmonton hoping better public engagement can pave way for school site redevelopment [Metro Edmonton]
- Edmonton city council approves late night transit pilot project; awaits budgetary approval [Edmonton Sun]
- Edmonton Bike Coalition photo mosaic growing as city hall event nears [Metro Edmonton]
- EVENT: I Bike Photomoasic Unveiling [Edmonton Bike Coalition]
- Mouallem: Edmonton’s race problem worth a close look [Metro Edmonton]
- Councillor asks for more cash for summer Green Shack program in Edmonton’s highest need neighbourhoods [Metro Edmonton]
- City looking to address homeless camps in Edmonton’s river valley [Metro Edmonton]
- Homeless camps surge, forcing city to hire more social workers [CBC Edmonton]
- Homeless Edmontonians to receive medical care at new Hope Mission health centre [Edmonton Journal]
- Neighbour Centre’s dinner club helps homeless prepare meals as well as eat them [Edmonton Journal]
- Truth and Reconciliation panel to discuss aboriginal issues at Festival of Ideas [VUE Weekly]
- Lisa Baroldi: From Invisible to Visible: Indigenizing Urban Eyes [Make Something Edmonton]
- Ottawa promises $2.3B to Alberta in gas tax [Global Edmonton]
- The public information hazards of flood mapping in Edmonton [Edmonton Journal]
- City’s drainage staff mapping areas most at risk for the next big one [Edmonton Journal]
- VIDEO: Mayor’s City Building Summit [City of Edmonton]
- You can’t fight city hall, but more Edmontonians willing to try [Metro Edmonton]
- Winter patios starting to pop up in Edmonton [Metro Edmonton]
- Solar power in Alberta tops 5,000 kilowatts [Edmonton Journal]
- A Great City at Work: Understanding Edmonton’s Budget [City of Edmonton]
- TEC Edmonton seeing big results [Metro News]
- Female Aboriginal urban planner first to receive professional accreditation [City of Edmonton]
- EVENT: Celebrate the Winter Night! All Is Bright on 124 Street, November 22 [124 Street Business Association]
- What Architecture Is Doing to Your Brain [CityLab]
- Metro Votes: Young Vancouverites fleeing to more affordable pastures [Metro News]
- For the sake of our cities, it’s time to make town planning cool again [Globe and Mail]
- Poor census data is crippling Canada’s ability to compete [Calgary Herald]
- How Denver got an oil company to crowd fund a protected bike lane [People for Bikes]
- Is cycling in Calgary just for the rich? [Metro News]
- Calgary doesn’t care about you: In a booming city, cost of housing leaves many behind [FFWD Weekly]
- 9 Things Drivers Need to Stop Saying in the Bikes vs. Cars Debate [Wired]
- Why your taxes pay to make climate change worse [CBC News]
- Toronto streets are a killer for pedestrians: Hume [Toronto Star]
- The Impending Decline of Second-Ring Suburbs [Streets Minnesota]