- Lamphier: It’s Pedwaytropolis! City’s pedway network to undergo big expansion [Edmonton Journal]
- Historic Ortona Armouries targeted for $3.2 million makeover [CBC]
- Edmonton office building boom intensifies competition for downtown tenants [Edmonton Journal]
- Staples: Iveson faces huge test in complex Rossdale redevelopment [Edmonton Journal]
- Mixed reviews on proposed Healy Ford towers for downtown Edmonton [Metro News]
- Edmonton Greyhound close to announcing new location [Metro News]
- Stalled Glenora condo project to get fresh start [Edmonton Journal]
- City of Edmonton looks to speak like normal people in development notices [Metro News]
- Find your old Hot Wheels: New ‘turbo roundabout’ coming to Edmonton [Edmonton Journal]
- Groat Road closed next two weekends for girder removal; 102nd Avenue bridge not likely to open this year [Edmonton Journal]
- Should Edmonton’s 83rd Avenue Bike Lane Be On Whyte Avenue? [Slow Streets]
- On Lower Speed Limits, Safety, and the Entitlement of Pedestrians [All Roads Lead to Ryan]
- Edmonton students take to streets, asking drivers to slow down [CBC]
- Office of Traffic Safety looking to leave more room for error on Edmonton roads [Metro News]
- Businesses in industrial area want bike lane removed [Edmonton Journal]
- Federal budget allows Edmonton to build LRT ‘indefinitely,’ says mayor [CBC]
- Edmonton officials look at future options for security on transit [Metro News]
- Edmonton social agencies helping transit peace officers tackle mental health calls [Metro News]
- Future low-income transit pass for Edmonton Transit a “game changer” [Metro News]
- Some women riders worn down by verbal harassment on Edmonton Transit [Metro News]
- How safe is Edmonton Transit exactly? [Metro News]
- Downtown Edmonton set to boom but transit takes a wait-and-see stance [Metro News]
- Recap: The Walrus Talks Aboriginal City in Edmonton [MasterMaq]
- Amnesty for ‘borrowed’ items brings artifacts back to the Hotel Macdonald [Edmonton Journal]
- Coming up at City Council: April 27 – May 1, 2015 [MasterMaq]
- Simons: Cool hand Don: In this provincial election, Edmonton’s mayor stays above the fray [Edmonton Journal]
- Edmonton homeless forum cancelled [CBC]
- Suspend city council opening prayer, lawyers say [Edmonton Journal]
- Planting Edmonton on the urban agriculture map [Vue Weekly]
- Second round of Make Something Edmonton grants focus on shared spaces [Metro News]
- ‘Big year’ for Edmonton coffee lovers as new indie shops inject a java jolt [Edmonton Journal]
- Homeless camp numbers continue to grow in Dawson Park near Riverdale [CBC]
- Postcard campaign solicits next bright idea [Edmonton Journal]
- Churchill Square treehouses gives platform to urban growth [CBC]
- Blue Dot movement hoping to rally Edmontonians around the rights to clean air, water and safe food [Metro News]