Each Tuesday, Spacing Montreal will share with you some posts from our sister blog, Spacing Toronto. We hope it will enable constructive dialogue on the urban issues faced by both cities, though we’ll settle for some witty jibes against la Ville reine in the comments.
Fruit in the City : Not Far From The Tree is a new organization that offers to pick up fruit from the city’s fruit-tree owners who don’t have the time to harvest them. One third of the reaping goes to the owners, another third to the volunteer fruit pickers while the remaining third is donated to local community organizations such as shelters and food banks.
City clerk slammed by information czar : The Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner has reinstated the right of local activist Rami Tabello (IllegalSigns.ca) to have access to official public documents. Tabello’s right had been denied when a City clerk had judged his demands (over 600 freedom of information requests in 2006) “frivolous and vexacious”. Tabello uses to the information to file official complaints against rogue ads around town.
The ROM can… well, pretend to be accessible : Leah Sandals reflects on why the owners of public art -i.e. the public- do not have free access to the collections. With new funding announced in the millions of dollars, we could hope free access could have found it’s way into the ROM CAN planning. The ROM is apparently reinstating it’s free night, but on Tuesday and for post-secondary full time students only…