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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. These photos show the absolute beauty of the old and the ugliness of the new.
    If only that beauty could have been preserved!

  2. Wow. That is freaking amazing. You read about the Golden Square Mile and all that was lost — but you don’t get it until you see stuff like this.

  3. Agree, Guillaume’s posts show the charm and beauty of the Montreal of the past. I cannot believe that such a beautiul buildings were erased and modern monstrocities erected in their place.

  4. Why was this demolished when it was only 40 years old? what a shame!

  5. I hate that Scotia building… but it was torn down way before modernism… it was the ICAO plaza until Scotia was built.

  6. Mais biensur! Quelle vilaine banque!! Nous devrions raser le centre-ville de Montreal pour mettre des parcs et des petites maisons! Ah oui! Sans oublier d’incendier les voitures … les téléphones … les réfrigérateurs … et surtout les ?%”$?$ de machines à espresso!

    Tant qu’à y être … J’aimerais bien allez chasser mon repas ce soir! Nous pourrions redevenir une société de chasseurs-cueilleurs.

    Tout simplement ridicule …

  7. Certainly there’s beauty in old buildings, but some of these buildings weren’t built to endure modern times. Also, maybe people didn’t have enough money to restore buildings like these.

    Personally I love old and new buildings in the city. Some modern architectures are really quite a sight to behold. Montreal still retains more character than most North American cities.

  8. Yes it’s a shame to torn down nice old building for new one,preserving the architecture ancient,is great challenge yes for all the generation futur…

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