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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. What I miss most about the Montreal I grew up in is the Elm trees.

    Elm tree shade was high, thin, and cool, very much unlike that of the low, dark, and dense smothering shade of maples. The first time I heard of Dutch Elm disease I was about 5; they were cutting down our neighbour’s backyard tree because of the disease. The trunk smelled weirdly wet and musky, a smell I remember to this day.

    I notice this in many of your photos – the old elms in almost all the shots pre 1960. And it makes me remember how much the whole look of the city has changed, and reminds me how much I miss those trees, and how they sounded like the ocean with the wind brushing their leaves.

  2. That’s something I’ve noticed too. The elm trees were so tall, stately and graceful, and they seemed to be everywhere in Montreal.

  3. So are there no Elm trees in Montreal? I’m probably older than both on you, but I don’t know much about trees, I guess.

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