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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Building green neighbourhoods

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Green laneway in the lower Plateau

WHAT? Presentation on “green” urban planning
WHEN? Wednesday, May 14 at 7pm
WHERE? Salle de la Fraternité des policiers et policières de Montréal, 480 Gilford (across from Laurier metro)

Despite having a strong indigenous urbanism, Montreal seems to stumble with new development, as many of the underwhelming residential projects of recent years — including the Angus Yards, Faubourg Québec and others — can attest. It’s always useful, then, to see what’s going on elsewhere for inspiration. This Wednesday, as part of the lead-up to the unveiling of the Plateau’s official transportation plan, urbanist Jayne Engle-Warnick will give a presentation on “green neighbourhoods” in Europe. Her lecture, which will be delivered in French, will look at how cities across the Atlantic have created spaces, streets and neighbourhoods that are human-scaled and designed to encourage public interaction and active modes of transport. She will also look at how these experiences can be applied to the Plateau.

For more information, contact the Urban Ecology Centre at 514 282 8378.



  1. I know this spot, it’s one of my favorite “mental health” shortcuts.

    I agree that there shoulf be more, and more of these. Too much concrete and asphalt in this city for my taste, a few square feet returned to a pseudopastoral streetscape would do everyone a world of good.

  2. Well, you might like the new urban lawn at des Pins-du Parc. tomorrow i’m having a picnic on the center divider.

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