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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Je viens tout juste de découvrir, par hasard, merci internet, Spacingmontréal et je suis tout excité à l’idée d’en explorer les archives!
    Juste un petit mot rapide pour dire que, selon moi, le Palais de Justice est probablement une des pires blessures infligées à Montréal par les années soixante/soixante-dix. Cet immense mur aveugle me déprime à chaque fois que je passe à proximité…

  2. Yves, you and others might be making this little problem bigger than it really is. I don’t know if you are going to read this, but I think there is no reason to be depressed so much about that building. Compared to other buildings in the Old Montreal and the Quartier International, it is certainly not the nicest. However, I had not even noticed its existence before someone from here pointed out what a “horror” it was. The same thing happens to many newcomers, and even to those who are very interested in architecture and urban design. Even for them that is just a new building, and it doesn’t take away any of the beauty from this area. The Old Montreal is still one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in North America and along with the Quartier International, one of the most successful urban projects in the World. There will always be some contrasting buildings here and there, and this one is definitely not a problem for this area.

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