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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. this one was part of a parcel purchased jointly with alderman lyman (i think they had some family ties). they divided the lot and built their houses somewhat adjacent to one another (lyman’s property ran approximately from shatner across intersection of penfield and mactavish to the apartment building there).

    anyway, this one was called the elms, and after the savage family vacated, it became the greenshields house. a real beauty this, nice shot.

  2. C’est triste de voir de si belles maisons disparaître au fil du temps.

  3. you know guil, you might do piedmont, the frothingham/molson house on ‘durocher’ at pine. that one has a very very sad history

  4. Vraiment ? Je ne connais pas encore l’emplacement exact mais je pourrais travailler là-dessus. Quelle est donc cette histoire si triste ?

  5. d’une certaine facon, piedmont etait le ravenscrag de ‘lower pine’, grande maison de plutocrat, situe sur un enorme terrain, a la tete de la rue durocher.


    grace a une histoire triste (et tristement typique) on y trouve actuellement le stade percival molson :(

  6. Je croyais qu’elle se trouvait au nord de l’avenue des Pins…la maison Law se trouvait à la place du stade molson..

  7. the entire area was part of the grounds.

    i’m looking for the map image that i saw (from mccord i think, but maybe in the doctoral dissertation at blackader library), but it was pretty clear that the house was built on the eastern stadium site, near currie’s north entrance, with another rather large house (john law house, i think) even further east on the same slope.

    there are some little bits of info about the house scattered throughout the donald mckay book on the square mile, and i remember seeing a veranda view of the city in some molson family history book (i’ll see if i have it on the shelf still).

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