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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Qu’elle belle maison c’était! Et surtout, elle était très grosse.
    Domage qu’elle n’y soit plus.

  2. Oh what a beautiful building. Such a shame…

  3. It’s sad buildings like these were destroyed. I can only hope there was a good reason.

  4. Wow. On a remplacé ce joyau architectural avec une laideur en béton? Surement qu’il y a une histoire derrière ça… peut-être que le bâtiment n’a pas été bien entretenu et a dû être démoli?

  5. Not sure when it was demolished but boy, they sure did put up garbage in the 1970’s and 1980’s.

  6. As noted in an earlier post by Chris de Wolf (here and in UrbanPhoto, I believe) the Dorchester was widened and a lot of buildings were lost because of it. That may or may not have been the reason. Damn shame, though.

  7. There are significant advantages to these concrete blocks. Abrupt, sheer, they make us tougher, mobilizing us either for or against the status quo. Put up or shut up, I say! Too much beauty, on the other hand, will make us weak, spoiled, complacent. No, we must knock those beautiful buildings down, the bigger the wrecking ball, the better!

    Just being the devil’s advocate. (As if he needs one.) ;-(

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