On Friday morning, I went to Chinatown to watch the opening ceremony to the 2008 Olympic Games. Sun Yat-sen park was full by 7:45AM, when I arrived. As soon as the speeches were done, there was a lion dance, before the organizers switched off the mute button on the Radio-Canada Television feed. The crowd naturally reacted with ohs, ahs and applause to the best parts of the initial choreography, like the switch blocks that formed the ancient and modern representations of the character for “peace” (和).
J’ai entendu vendredi matin qu’ils montraient la cérémonie d’ouverture (et le reste des jeux) sur écran géant au quartier chinois. Alors je m’y suis précipité avant d’aller au boulot pour voir l’ambiance et rapporter quelques photos…