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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. No, it’s not a quarry; it’s the water reservoir before it was covered and turned into Ernest Rutherford Park.

  2. No, It’s the McTavish Reservoir. From what I understand, it provides most of the drinking water for the downtown area.

    In the earlier pic, it was exposed to the elements, but it’s been covered up since. Now I believe theres a football field there.

  3. And the St-Louis square was also an open aqueduct reservoir, too.

  4. I thought that this reservoir had been converted and was being used by McGill.

  5. They just did a bunch of work on it this summer. Notice that the castle-like structure has beeen rennovated. From what I gather, it is the McTavish Resevoir, a source of water storage for downtown.

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