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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. your website is starting to rely a bit too much on photos, howsabout some more written words? (words are not “oh so last century!”)

  2. Looks like they’re missing a few hands. Chris is blogging on Montreal from Hong Kong, of all places (I plan to start posting about Hong Kong, just to show how easy this in fact is) while Julie hasn’t done a news round up in a while (rumor is she was one of those arrested for looting).

    Sid, they did put a call out for writers a while back. Why not show these punks how us 20th century word-guys do things, downtown?

  3. Don’t worry, we’ve been discussing the lack of content over email amongst writers and it will soon change come Fall. You can probably imagine that it’s difficult to sit in front of a computer screen when the weather is beautiful outside. With the days getting shorter and the weather becoming colder, it will be much easier to get in from outside and write!

    It is true that we are taking a hit as far as contributors goes but hopefully this will change as we add new people to our list!

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