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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Today, that block of Ste Catherine street has the worst (ie: ugly) collection of buildings.

  2. Je suis totalement d’accord. Si le bâtiment ressemblait ecore à l’épicerie St-James, c’aurait été ma-gni-fi-que!

  3. Yeah, pity the beautiful older building got torn down for at most one storey more, if that.

  4. Yeah those new buildings are ugly. I guess if the place were at least clean it would be ok, but nearly 0% of Montreal surface can be said to be “clean.” I read this today and made me really sad to know I am not crazy and others notice it too. Montréal is cool, but I am too a little ashamed to show it to people from out of town. What’s going on? Why aren’t we doing anything (not even talking) to stop all this decay and dirt? It’s like the subject was a taboo for every single Montréal blog.

  5. ‘Jeez Brian, where do you think you are Payless?’

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