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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. I can’t make out that big architect’s rendering that’s plastered over the work site. What’s it going to be?

  2. I don’t remember what it is, but Iknow it’s been there for more than a year, probably since it closed.

  3. Interesting, because the Parisien was within a block or two of the much-hyped Quartier des Spectacles, which also saw the loss of the Montreal Spectrum this year.

    I believe it was festival kingpins Equipe Spectra who decided to tear the Spectrum down in order to build office and retail space — is that right? If so, a curious choice, to say the least, considering the role the Spectrum could have played in this new entertainment district.

  4. Actually, Spectra was only renting the Spectrum. The actual owner is Sidev.

  5. As always, interesting comparison pictures but maybe you should always put the street addresses or exact locations. (OK, I recognise the building but …)

  6. the redevelopment is changing the parisien into a shopping mall, from what I can gather from the hoarding.

    does anyone know if it will be connected to the underground city though? I guess it might have to connect to the bay; but that would be the perfect compliment to the redevelopment along that part of ste catherine’s and connecting to place des arts.

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