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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Creatively vandalized electoral signs (Part II)

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#1 Votez Caron !

There were some “creatively” vandalized electoral signs seen around town – one of the Layton-Mulcair couple on Des Pins (with a pink heart drawn around them) and a few others of various parties on St-Joseph between St-Laurent and St-Denis – of which I can’t blog about here, for not carrying my camera with me at the time.

The one you are seeing here is of the “not standing a chance” category. Caron, other than being a synonym to a more well-known hockey goaltender, is a partner at Heenan-Blaikie, a law firm (Jean Chrétien is working there since his retirement as Prime Minister). Caron is also running in Laurier—Sainte-Marie, Gilles Duceppe’s riding. NDP candidate François Grégoire is a teacher at Collège Édouard-Montpetit on the South Shore, finished second in the 2006 general election, 2,000 votes in front of the Liberal candidate, but 18,000 short of Duceppe.

Back to Caron, you will find a “series” of signs like this one, on René-Lévesque facing La Maison de Radio-Canada (Beaudry Metro). Vandals are generally not as nice with the Conservatives.

(Don’t forget to vote! It’s tomorrow!)

Update: I found a video on Canoë on Caron and the Bloc candidate in Outremont (both labelled as “no-chance” candidates).


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