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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. The older picture shows a much nicer building!

  2. I agree with Andrew. Although the newer version has more carachter with it imperfections and the exposed brick.

  3. Isn’t it the same building? I wonder why they removed the door frame. I like the newer picture better.

  4. Looks as if the door frame deteriorated over time.

  5. … or hacked off to make room for some modernization, since removed?

    BTW, looks like a consular crest or something over the door in ’46?

  6. That is such a surprise. The original form of the building is far more ideally suited to a boutique. That split level job is horrible. I have always been irritated with that on a lot of storefronts in the Square Mile but thought, c’est la vie because they were all built as residential homes. The door frame is awfully pretty. Wish this could be restored.

  7. Is this the same Lucas bijouterie now found in Ogilvy?

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