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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. That said, now that we have proof that its accessible… more people will go :)

    Great Shot

  2. Could you please stop posting pictures of this place? You are just tempting kids to go there and kill themselves. This building has been seriously damaged in the last 2 years by all the idiots removing bricks to get in.

  3. It’s pretty much impossible to get in there now as someone has welded massive sheets of metal to any opening at ground level of the building.

    Alain, if people want to get up there, they’ll go. And go they should, it’s a great view and a fun adventure to explore abandoned factories before they’re turned into condos or torn down and lost forever. I highly doubt SpacingMontreal is on many parents’ lists of corrupting forces of their children.

  4. I agree 100% with Chris…and the view is spectacular!

  5. That building is getting more and more unsafe inside as the years go by. You can’t trust the stairs or the floors and there are plenty of holes where you could easily fall to a painful and invisible (body not found for years) death.

    Undeniably, you end up with great photos though.

  6. “It’s pretty much impossible to get in there now as someone has welded massive sheets of metal to any opening at ground level of the building.”

    that’s why I and nobody that has gone in goes in through the ground level.

    “It’s pretty much impossible to get in there now as someone has welded massive sheets of metal to any opening at ground level of the building.”

    is perfectly true.

    But it’s also the most amazing urban exploration in montreal.

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