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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Those against anything higher then 3 stories arms yourselves.

  2. The photo shows a great view of a low-rise area.

    It is to be expected that the sleazo high-density developers will try to erect monolithic edifices at the post office site and at the CNR PSC Shops.

    Then, good bye to the distant view to the horizon.

    Think ugly, think Toronto below downtown.

    ( I lived in Montreal thru 1968, then moved to Toronto, living there briefly in 1968 and late 1969-1971, and was able to see the changes first hand.

    Shortly after I arrived in Toronto the last streetcars came off each end of Bloor and Danforth and were replaced by extensions to the East/West Subway.

    If Montreal is thinking streetcars once again someone with a brain from City Hall should go to Toronto and ride various streetcar routes in rush hour or when there is an event at the stadium, especially Queen, to experience first hand how streetcars and automobiles do or do not mix with automobiles without grade separation.

    Streetcars actually obstruct traffic flow, as they are in the centre of the street and autos are not to pass a streetcar on the right when it is loading or unloading passengers.

    An Autobus pulls into the curb, leaving the centre lanes clear. )

    From Montreal Gazette August 31 2008.

    We were there in 1956 when streetcars came off Ste Catherine and in 1959 when the last cars ran on August 30th.

    Yes, we got soaked in the storm that followed when they closed the gate behind the final car as it went into the barns.

    An omen of sorts?

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