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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Montage du jour : La chapelle du couvent de la congrégation Notre-Dame

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Ce couvent construit de 1905 à 1908 est désormais utilisé par le collège Dawson et sa chapelle est aujourd’hui transformée en bibliothèque.

 Source : Les couvents, Répertoire d’architecture traditionnelle.

Avant dernier montage…



  1. COOL!!!

    Although I’ve spent 10+ years working at Dawson, I haven’t seen many pictures from before it’s conversion to a CEGEP.

    The web address links to some of my pictures from the attic space above the main reading room.

    Please let me know if you have other potential before pictures, if I have an after I will happily share it with you and your readers.


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