Photo prise à l’intersection des rues Villeneuve et St-Urbain
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F***ing with stoplights is a major crime.
Interesting idea just the same.
The first comment here is really shocking. This doesn’t harm anybody, and only marginally reduces the effectiveness of one of the FOUR sets of traffic signals at this intersection (three pictured).
I think this is great, it will bring a smile to the face of many people who notice it (as I have). It makes the city a slightly better place with very little effort.
A similar example is the green lamp of a traffic signal being painted into the shape of a shamrock. Was in the southwest and I thought that was also a good thing.
F***ing with stoplights is a major crime.
Interesting idea just the same.
The first comment here is really shocking. This doesn’t harm anybody, and only marginally reduces the effectiveness of one of the FOUR sets of traffic signals at this intersection (three pictured).
I think this is great, it will bring a smile to the face of many people who notice it (as I have). It makes the city a slightly better place with very little effort.
A similar example is the green lamp of a traffic signal being painted into the shape of a shamrock. Was in the southwest and I thought that was also a good thing.