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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Photos du Jour : More Hockey Celebrations!

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2010-05-12 Montreal Canadiens fans celebrate their Game 7 victory over the Pittsburgh Penguins – Images by Tristan Brand

The festivities were mostly peaceful. Well, if you consider beating on metal bowls, climbing lamp-posts, setting fires and shooting off fireworks peaceful, which I do.  Police were everywhere, from the helicopter hovering above to the cavalry and canine squad. But the riot cops kept their visors up and even high-fived people in the street, coming across more like hockey fans than clone troopers.

Like most of the revellers, I was home by the time “rowdies” looted two stores on Sainte-Catherine street, making off with shoes and liquor.

The Habs have knocked out last year’s Stanley cup champions and this year’s top team… can’t we just have the cup now? I not sure how much more we can up the ante before the sh*t really hits the fan.


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