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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

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patch of grass in a parking lot

Aaah, l’été à Montréal… Qui a besoin d’une plage quand on peut s’approprier un beau parking?

Photo prise le 11 juin sur l’avenue Mont-Royal lors de l’événnement “Nuit blanche sur tableau noir.”



  1. It is rather amazing that we live on an island in the middle of a large waterway, and yet, to my knowledge, there is not one beach on the island of Montreal where swimming is advisable and unprohibited.

    One of the few things I miss about Vancouver is the ability to walk down to the beach and swim in the ocean. Granted, Vancouver doesn’t have 500 years of industrial waste buildup to manage and clean up, and their beaches are slowly becoming polluted too. But still, at this very moment, if you are in the city of Vancouver, you can walk, bicycle, take the bus, or drive to a beach acceptable water standards within minutes.

    The closest beach that I know of in Montreal is Lac des Deux Montagnes, which is a 2 hour ride on the bus, or a 5 hour bike ride, or a 45 minute drive from city centre. It personally aggravates me to no end.

  2. Niomi – there is a beach in the Parc-nature Cap-Saint-Jacques which is the North part of the west island. I seem to recall there being some bus that goes there (the 68?)….. However in the summer it is packed and the water is full of sunscreen. Once the beach “closes” in Sept and kids are back in school it is much more enjoyable.

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