Spacing Saturday highlights posts from across Spacing’s blog network in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and the Atlantic region.
Clive Doucet continues his observations from Europe using the French model of privately funded tolled highways as basis for discussing the shape that nations take as a result of the long term philosophies and decisions.
Commemorating the recent passing of Elmaks, an artist who did much to enliven public space in Ottawa, Spacing re-posts an interview from last year talking about the innovative ‘Swap Box’ project.

Sean Gillis continues his look at the different forms of urban density through the Atlantic Canada’s Densest Neighbourhoods feature. This week Gillis looks at the Quinpool Road area of Halifax.
Lauren Oostveen shares a series of magnificent, century old photographs that were recently unearthed a digitized at the Nova Scotia Archives. The pictures are now the subject of an online appeal for help determining where they were taken and what they depict.
Andrew Cuthbert uses a Cartographically Speaking feature to map distinct elements of street feel in the famously troubled and rapidly changing Downtown Eastside, revealing insights into the effects of change on Hastings Street.
Gordon Price uses the Price Points feature to analyze the design failings of the maturing Yaletown Park which despite its potential fails to entice users to stop and animate its space.

Spacing’s Dylan Reid reports back from the opening lecture of the UofT Cities Centre ‘Toronto in Question’ lecture series addressing the question “Is Toronto Broke?”
Alex Bozikovic uses the No Mean City architectural feature to talk about the meaning of representational forms in contemporary architecture, highlighting new projects similar in appearance to the recent expansion of the Royal Ontario Museum.
Allanah Heffez asks a series of questions to open up and continue a discussion exploring the relationship between urban design and collective imagination.
Guillaume St-Jean’s Montage du jour feature this week presented another fascinating look at the evolution of Montreal and the striking buildings lost to history.
Photograph by: Ian Irving