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Spacington hasn’t grown very much this week: the population is still sitting around 50,000 people, there was is no new major business or residential developments, and waterfront looks the same. However, there are some interesting things to talk about.

Spacington’s empty waterfront.

We have yet to figure out how to incorporate the suggested waterfront mods from last week. We did manage to get some new features in the game, but even then they didn’t work out. This shows some of the drawbacks of the game. As we’ve come to discover — and as pointed out in the launch of this project — all of these limitations are making it increasingly challenging in hopes of creating a 21st century urban city. Nevertheless, things are progressing.

Mixed-use planning has worked out very well so far in Spacington — other than giving way to some of the in-city agriculture (our farms immersed into neighborhoods). It seems that mixing commercial, residential, and industrial zoning per city block has created short walking commutes and many vibrate mixed neighborhoods. The game does not allow mixed-use buildings, each building can only have a single use. As some readers have pointed out, this does give Spacington a somewhat “unrealistic” look. Unfortunately this is in order to try out mixed use streets.

A change in wealth.

We have also realized the importance of neighbouring communities in cities (at least in the game). Spacington’s wealthier residence are increasingly out of work (shown in the top photo), which seems to be a problem of no regional growth.


Spacington: Want to see previous posts about Spacington? Click on the “Sim City: Spacington” link in the “RELATED” box just below.


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