Urban Planet is a daily roundup of blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside the country that approach themes related to urban experiences and issues.
What happens when a Los Angeleno rides Toronto’s TTC and Montreal’s Metro? Blogger Tim Adams did just that and his discovered some interesting contrasts between the three transit systems. Adams take-aways include: Canadian politicians don’t take transit; our subways are graffiti-free; our stations leave something to be desired. (Transitophile)
Image from TrekEarth
For more stories from around the planet, check out Spacing on Facebook and Twitter. Do you have an Urban Planet worthy article you’d like to share? Send the link to urbanplanet@spacing.ca
One comment
Kinda old in 2011 (yes 2011 is already old news :) ) but thanks for the link, a very good read and according to this (and my multiple travel on this planet of ours) we have NOTHING to be ashamed in our Montreal (or Toronto) transit system…… only in our hockey teams !