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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. So much better back in the day. That whole area still bears the scars of the expressway: the ICAO complex is hideous especially from the back and the phase II proposal is nothing to write home about should it ever get built.

  2. Actually, I love the new Square Victoria with its fountains, the parisian métro entrance easy to see, although if you look a even older photographs, it was a nice old grand square indeed.

    Although it’s hardly a bijou of architecture, I actually like the University façade of ICAO; makes me think a bit of New York Las Vegas. But the back? Shudder. And what’s with the HUGE atrium link thingy to the métro? I mean, just bizarre… I guess that’s where the Phase II is supposed to go?

  3. Like so many of the “newer” public spaces in Montréal, I find Square Victoria windswept…

  4. This is one of the best parts of Montreal, its lights years better than the older version.

    The ICAO is a very nice building, its contour actually follows the twist of the highway right underneath.

    If Montreal wasn’t as stagnant we would have the PDC phase built almost 10 years ago, with a nice residential tower on the northermost lot.

  5. I love this square. I love the entire Quartier International. From Square Dalhousie straight through to where Cité Multimédia meets the Bonaventure is fantastic.

    Now, if we could only replace that eyesore building at the north end. It looks like hell and it always has ‘à louer’ signs flapping in the breeze.

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