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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. I heard somewhere that there was a plan to build a tower on top of the old Forum. That would have infused many new residents and life into the area. Instead, the forum is now a half-empty shopping complex across the street from another shopping complex.

    Well, this all could have been avoided if the Habs tried to expand the area on its former site, even if it meant rearranging some streets in the area.

  2. That is tragic. I mean, the Forum was tragic-looking before the AMC/Pepsi development but now it is just awful. I believe this monstrosity has got to go and that this sector should be redeveloped with a more residential focus.

  3. Yeah, there has been a tendency to build shopping malls next door to shopping malls in downtown Montreal.

  4. The forum should never have been listed as a heritage site. It wasn’t even the original building in all truth, once the renovations were done to expand attendance.
    It was just an ugly building with some history, and that’s it.
    I hope the plans that Mr. Robertson talk about have just been put on the back burner.
    He’s right. With a residential tower on top (maybe even student dorms for nearby Dawson College), it would give a permanent population to the area, thus lending itself to the development of new and perhaps trendy businesses as well.

  5. Je n’en crois pas mes yeux: des gens se lamentent parce qu’il n’y a pas assez de logements dans le quartier le plus densément peuplé au Canada!!!!


  6. Where is the street life and the commerce then? It is a bizarre case if it is the most dense populated neighborhood in Canada. Then again, how dense again? It does not have 30 story apartment towers block by block. Yes, there are some. but I think that in this case, Ste Catherine street’s vocation needs to be less about major commerce and just small commerce to service the community’s needs: have residential units atop the street level retail locations to create a more “main street” feel. Forget about office space atop the retail.

  7. There are more residential towers in this part of Montreal then any other part of the city.

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