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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. I saw this just today… it made me very sad. I think I’ll still mourn a while over the loss of the Spectrum, “ma maison de musique” as le Devoir’s Sylvain Cormier was saying last year.

  2. c’est pas une grosse perte. Dans les dernieres années toutes les batisses de ce bloc la ont été abandonnées.

  3. Actually, I believe the businesses were being abandoned because the city was not renewing their lease so that the could develop the “Quartier des Spectales” area. I think that in the long run, the cultural scene in Montreal will benefit from this, although I have to say I’m rather sad to see the Spectrum go as well, I have seen many concerts there since the 1990’s with many memorable moments!

    I tend to think that most of this area East of Ste-Catherine from Beaver Hall (Square Philips) has always been rather drab, almost seedy actually, but things seem to be changing with the opening of the Future Shop and the H&M store which is driving pedestrian traffic around that area.

    Now if only the Sam the Record Man store was still there… *sigh* I just heard that they are taking down the Sam’s in Toronto as well…… What’s with people and destroying historic landmarks??!

  4. The other buildings and stores may not be a huge loss, but surely the loss of the Spectrum, a medium-size hall with an awesome booking policy, is…

  5. The king is dead, long live the king.

    Si ça a fonctionné pour le Club Soda, je ne vois pas pourquoi on ne reverrai pas le Spectrum.

  6. I would like to ad that yes it’s a lost, but a lost of memories et things of the past. The Spectrum was only a shadow of itself. Outdated by new hip places like le National or La Tulipe the spectrum will be in the memories of a lot of people for a long time. But just like The Club Soda, the Théatre de Quat’sous or event the Bell Center (new forum?) the stories have followed and more will come.

    The technology was passed, the audio was less then ordinary and really this neighbourhood as a whole needs revamping. It’s sad, but surely, like I said we will revive it somewhere, Spectra wont let us down… I hope!

  7. C’est encore sensé devenir un Best Buy ce lieu?
    (question d’encourager l’oligopole avec le futureshop pas loin…barf)

    Ou ca va plutôt être intégré au quartier des spectacles?

  8. there is huge difference between seedy and functional. I always thought that was a dynamic, almost anti development, stretch of the street. I hope this is not going to be a case of fixing something that wasn’t really broken. The Jazz Festival is the heart and soul of Montreal in summer. I really hope that this works out well and from what I saw yesterday I would have to say so far so good. What s really weird in my opinion is seeing the hump along Jeanne Mance flattened out!

  9. I like what I am seeing so far. I am sure they know what they are doing a little more than we do, and all is going be very beneficial :). I didn’t really like this area. It felt dirty in my opinion.

  10. Hoping for a building that adds a bit more grandeur to the streetscape and the area…

  11. Bon débarras, d’ici quelques années le reste de la rue ste-catherine à l’est de ce bloc et le village se rejoindront dans une orgie de gentrification… il était temps.

  12. Il y a plusieurs rumeurs qui laissent entendre que le Spectrum renaîtra de ses cendres. La ville a parlé d’un bloc offrant du résidentiel et du commercial. Le rendu 3D du post précédant avait été présenté lors de cette annonce. J’aurais permis jusqu’à 5 étages plutôt que seulement trois. J’aurais également un peu plus d’ambition, pourquoi ne pas ouvrir un concours pan-canadien? Plutôt qu’encore faire affaire avec la SIDEV… La proposition ne m’enchante pas car rien d’extraordinaire et même plutôt “conservatrice” pour un futur quartier des spectacles…

    En face, l’ancienne Bank of Toronto deviendra la maison du festival de jazz de Montréal et accueillera la logistique des différents évènements qui auront lieu durant la période estivale.

    Vite maintenant que le batîment voisin, celui de Musique-Plus, disparaisse!

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