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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. The old building had so many more urban qualities to it; the new building looks like something on the side of the T-Can in Pointe-Claire.

  2. Nice setbacks & parking in front!

    Raphael Fischler called for a “church of design” to preach good design principles in Montreal. Maybe such a group could intervene in future projects to stop these sort of suburbanizations of the city. (They can start with the Pins-Parc intersection)

  3. Terrible. And a very stinging blow, as it is s close to where I live (a bit south, a bit east). That building, or complex of buildings, would have been as lovely an urban perspective as any I see when perusing the urban cycling sites on Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Housing or offices above, small businesses (commerces de proximité, and also some distinctive draws) beneath. And perhaps a part kept for “medical arts” – not state-of-the-art for a hospital, but fine for doctors, dentists and other health practitioners.

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