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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. By far the worst hotel building in Montreal. I hate that thing.

  2. Was that edifice once named ‘Hotel Richelieu?’

    In 1981 a friend was being stabled at a ‘Hotel Richelieu’ in Montreal by his major Canadian employer whilst taking a course at Head Office, and it was pretty grim.

    He mentioned it was on Peel.

  3. Those tiny windows must be hideous from the inside -the rooms must be DARK.

  4. Black and white photographs always render a place more grotty and rundown I find. However, one has the impression from these particular photos that Montréal must have been an agreeable and convivial place to live. People seem part of the cityscape. Now they seem superflous as though the city could easily do without them.
    Thank you for the photos,
    David Tighe

  5. Last nite I was informed in a long-distance conversation on the telephone that the lodging which my friend resided in in Montreal for his employer in 1981 was correctly-named ‘Richelieu Towers’ and his room did indeed have smallish windows.

    He termed it ‘Grotty’.

  6. Update;

    Altho’ the photo is no longer shown, the former Richelieu Towers at 2045 Peel, now a Mariott concern, is the edifice from which the slab of concrete fell, killing the lady in the corner of Shushi Bar.

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