Cette demeure construite en 1861 pour Hugh Montagu Allan fut transformée en hôpital psychiatrique en 1943.
Source : McCord Museum
Canadian Urbanism Uncovered
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Cette demeure construite en 1861 pour Hugh Montagu Allan fut transformée en hôpital psychiatrique en 1943.
Source : McCord Museum
C’est à cet endroit que le Dr Cameron a effectué ses expériences de lavage de cerveau pour le compte de la CIA.
Je pense Naomi Klein a mentionne cette place dans son livre The Shock Doctrine.
the best shortcut in Montreal around Mt Royal (from Outremont, mile end, plateau via Olmstead 2nd switchback/royal Vic parking lots to Ravenscrag then down to downtown) passes right in front of this building.
The view from here is one of the very best in the city. In winter you have to climb a giant snowbank to get the view. DO IT.
Why would Naomi Klein mention this building in her book? I’m sorry, but I’m not understanding the brainwash/Klein connection.
Also, if you’ve ever been inside, you will understand why they turned this into a psych hospital. It has that complexly desolate nature that every terribly cinematic psych hospital has. It’s awful.