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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Executive Committee Shuffle is good for Transit

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Plan de Transport 2007

Environmental organizations are happy to see Michel Labrecque take the reins as the president of the STM, and André Lavallée promoted to Vice-President of the Executive Committee.

Labrecque, was once president of the Comité régional de l’environnement de Montréal, helped found cycling advocacy group Vélo-Québec, and contributed to the city’s sustainability plan. Currently a Plateau borough councillor, he does not have a driver’s licence. An STM president that relies on transit to get around is great news, at least until you consider the fact that this is news at all.

Andrée Lavallée is mayor of the Rosemont borough and headed the city’s transportation plan in 2007. He remains responsible for urban planning, transportation planning, parking, taxis, the official public consultation bureau (OPCM), and takes on the heritage and design dossiers as well, making him the man in charge of pretty much everything that crosses this blog’s radar.

Équiterre says both these choices underline the mayor’s commitment to alternative transportation. La Presse lists all 12 executive committee members and their responsibilities.



  1. I am sure Mr Lavallee is up to the task but it just seems crazy that one person is in charge of all those things. Not hard to imagine why it takes forever to get anything done though isn’t it?

  2. It’s great that M. Lavallée actually uses the STM as his primary mode of transportation. How refreshing!

  3. Neath, I’m sure there is an executive board or council, not just one person in charge.

    It is wonderful to have a carfree person in charge of the STM; but let’s hope there is adequate funding for public transport and the political will to prioritise sustainable transport modes such as public transport, cycling (in most seasons) and the development of walkable cities and neighbourhoods.

    Is Spacing Montréal contemplating interviews with Labrecque and Lavallée about their concrete plans to improve transport and urban planning?

  4. Oops! I see that M. Labrecque is STM president. At any rate, nice move.

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