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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Photo du Jour : Ste-Catherine Street Pals

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Apologies for the inconsistent photos du jour in the past while – I have been sans caméra for the past week or so, but I am now snap-happy on the streets again with a new point-and-shoot in hand. I’ve also been writing an article about Berri Square for the upcoming issue of Spacing Magazine, inspired by Guillaume’s excellent photo montage series on the site’s history.

Here’s one of the photos I snapped yesterday as I spent the afternoon hanging around and soaking up the feel of the place.



  1. Great shot. I know there are a lot of complaints about the design of Place Emilie Gamelin, but I like that a civic square was placed there. The shape of the block makes it a natural fit. I am just glad that we are continuing Montreal’s tradition of public squares within the street grid. Not many North American cities are as lucky. That is why I am pleased that a square will be the focal point of the QDS.

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