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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Same thing with the Spectrum and Le Parisien. Ils sont ben rapides lorsqu’il est question de démolir dans le quartier des pestacles, mais le sont beaucoup moins pour rebâtir…

  2. Je me rappele qu’a l’etage du haut, il y avait des danseuses qui s’affichaient nues dans les fenetres au grand plaisir des touristes…jusqu’a ce que la police y mette un terme.

  3. I think the whole stretch of Ste Catherine from Le Parisien until a couple blocks East of St Laurent needs some MAJOR uplifting!

  4. Montreal must retain a real and contained red light district.

    if vancouver can have a legal injection site, we should have open and transparent brothels, we all know it happens in the shadows, and back pages of the mirror. why not legitamize and capitalize on one of the city’s most important and defining features.

  5. As Thomas hints at, the demolition industry markets its demolition products very well with the promise of cutting edge and useful buildings and the promise of “ridding our cities of slums.”

    It’s an old sales pitch, but it still works for a wide and gullible part of the population. And our political classes usually get a cut of the take, so they’re not part of the gullibility – they just use it to their advantage.

    Then, once the demolition companies and their inside sponsors pocket the money for the wrecking project, they laugh all the way to the bank.

    And while suburbanites might think that a parking lot (or empty lot) is more beneficial to “the city” than a cheap building, most urbanites don’t dream of living in central Detroit, though empty lots might look better from behind a windshield.

    When will the city start demanding a deposit for demolitions equal to the value of the promised building? Imagine how many fully-used buildings might have been saved from this kind of systematic vandalism.

  6. Does anyone know what the status is on the building proposed for this site, or the one where the Spectrum once stood, for that matter?

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